HICKLING in the 1920s:

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Sunday School Treats

Other annual occasions were the Sunday School Treats which followed the Anniversaries where every scholar was expected to either recite or sing.

Local Farmers provided transport for the treats.  Great red and blue wagons scrubbed down and with clean straw on the floors and drawn by two heavy farm horses in shining harness and with their manes and tails braided were better than any bus.  There were forms to sit on and away we went to Sea Palling or Waxham for the day. 

Great hampers of food had been prepared;  races were run for pennies (everyone got some), we had a paddle or a swim and then home again with everyone singing the best of the Anniversary hymns:  no bus outing could ever compare with this.  

A farm wagon was also used one Sunday each year as a pulpit fo the Annual Camp Meeting when theChapels got together for an outside service.

Page created 15/11/21